Versions and features::::::
4.3 Version
-Based on leaked 4.3 fw XXUMI6
-Pure Stock look and feel
-Rooted with latest super su 1.65
-HD voice(thanks to tarzan11)
-All available languages for kb enabled
-Almost all N3 features
-Air command
-Action memo
-Pen window
-xposed framework
-Wanam xposed module
-option for transparent weather widget
-ram tweaks
-dalvik tweaks
-Call recording
-Exit browser button
4.1.2 Vesion::::::
-Based on latest XXDMD6 FW
-Multi Modem
- Stock look no themes
-Pre rooted with super su
-Multi csc (set to EUR)
-Aroma installer
-No need of wiping anything if you re intended to update only. Just press install. Dalvik n cache automatically wiped
-Most samsung bloat apps removed while you have the ability to choose them in aroma one by one or all of them as they are pre checked
-Rock Stable, performance and battery life at the same time
-Stock kernel
-NEAK kernelcomes with uNEAK free app(Full features with pro key from playstore)
-Saber Kernel(come with trickster mod and voodoo app)
-Redpill Kernel(comes with stweaks app)
-Simplistic Framework (included mw control and toggles control app but [B]need simplistic control from play store to unlock all features[/B])
-HD Voice worldwide (if your carrier support it) Thanks tarzan11 for that :)
-Unlimited receipients for sms and no conversion to mms
-Some small scripts to make device more stable under heavy load(simulated to 180%)
-Speed tweaks and ram tweaks to make system breathe more
-Click sounds instead of water sounds with the option to change them during install
-Sound menu in camera (you can set capture sound on or off)
-Ability to choose between transparent or stock weather widget
-Ability to choose call button in contacts list
-Removed update software in settings
-Display hardware revision in settings